[email protected]
[email protected]

Counseling Services
- Individual counseling sessions, including brief solution-focused strategies and problem-solving skills
- Crisis counseling
- Academic Counseling
- Remediation support
- Peer mediation
academies Information
24-25 High school Academies showcase
december 11th, 2024
world golf village renaissance hotel convention center
3:30 pm to 7 pm
Dates to know: January 8th Academy Night at Bartram Trail High School
Bartram Academies Information Page
**Applications open January 6th and close 5pm on January 24th. In order to apply, students must access the application process through their Student HAC account. Students will not have access to the application after the application closes.**
Dates to know: January 9th Academy Night at Creekside High School
Creekside High School Career Academies Information Page
**Applications open January 6th and close 5 pm on January 24th. In order to apply, students must access the application process through their Student HAC account. Students will not have access to the application after the application closes.**
Career Academy Nights
High School Academy Nights will be held in January. Attend the Academy Nights at your schools of interest. Meet the teachers and other students! All Nights begin at 6:00 p.m. except SJTHS (5:30 pm). To learn more about Career Academies please visit the SJCSD CTE page.
- Bartram Trail January 8th
- Creekside January 9th
- Pedro Menendez January 7th
- Tocoi Creek January 15th
- Nease January 22nd
- Beachside January 21st
- Ponte Vedra January 16th
- St Augustine January 23rd
- St. Johns Technical January 23rd
Middle and high school students and their parents are encouraged to attend the High School Programs of Interest Showcase. Students residing in St. Johns County are eligible to begin a Program of Interest in their 9th or 10th grade year. Students apply for these programs during the prior year application window. The online application timeline will be available shortly.
Programs of Interest are offered to support a student’s interests, career plans, or advanced academic needs. A student who enrolls in a Program of Interest participates in theme-related classes over a multi-year time period. Approximately 40% of high school students in St. Johns County are enrolled in various Programs of Interest which include Junior ROTC, St. Johns County Center for the Arts, International Baccalaureate, Advanced International Certificate of Education, the Early College Program, the Early Career Program and 28 Career Academy options.
Students and staff from each high school will be available to provide information and answer questions about the Programs of Interest offered at their schools. Information about program requirements and registration will also be available.
Any student who meets an individual program’s requirements and who can provide his/her own transportation may be approved to attend any high school, on a “space available” basis. Space is limited in all programs and a lottery system is utilized to place applicants.
Priority is provided to active military families who have provided their status with their current school and students zoned for each school. Active military families should verify that their status is current by contacting their student’s school. For additional information about SJCSD Programs of Interest, please visit the Career and Technical Education website: .
If you have specific questions regarding academies and the application process, please contact:
Mrs. Nikki Moura, FCA MS School Counselor: [email protected]
Mrs. Cassie Hurst, MS Assistant Principal: [email protected]
8th Grade Washington DC Trip Information
If you have any questions about Washington DC, please contact Melissa Lime at [email protected].