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FCA Media Mission Statement

Media Mission

School Mission: “Falcons Take FLIGHT”

The letters in the word “FLIGHT” stand for Focus, Leadership, Imagination, Grit, Heart, and Team.

F – We Take FLIGHT With Books here in the media center. We believe students should FOCUS on finding books of interest to help them become lifelong readers.

L – We know that READERS are LEADERS, so the more students read the better they will start to lead in other realms here at FCA.

I – Imagination is at the heart of everything we do in the library. Books can take us to far off lands, paint vivid pictures in our mind, teach us about history, entertain us with humorous characters, and so much more.

G – Sometimes it takes GRIT to get through a challenging book. Learning to push ourselves to trying new genres or building reading stamina is a huge part of what we do in the media center.

H – We believe the Media Center is the HEART of a great school…a place where students and teachers can go that feels warm and inviting. The Media Center provides books that offer a glimpse into humanity’s many character traits. By reading, we learn to be kinder and see each other’s differences as strengths.

T – Teamwork is a crucial part of our Media Center lessons. Students learn from each other during class discussions, STEM projects, or as they recommend books to a friend.

The mission of the Freedom Crossing Academy Media Center is to enhance the literacy experiences of our students, provide resources needed for students and staff to succeed, and, most importantly, provide a welcoming environment so students become lifelong learners.